Donald Ray Pollock

Spring 2024
Donald Ray Pollock
Pollock has lived his entire adult life in Chillicothe, Ohio, where he worked as a laborer and truck driver from 1973 to 2005, when he enrolled in the English program at Ohio State University. While there, Doubleday published his debut short story collection, Knockemstiff, which was awarded the PEN/Robert Bingham Fellowship. He has published two novels, The Devil All the Time and The Heavenly Table, and his work has appeared in numerous literary journals. The Devil All the Time was made into a Netflix film in 2020 starring Tom Holland and Robert Pattinson. The New York Times said he is a “talented, serious and agile writer, who possesses genuine tenderness for the dim and luckless, the uncouth and poor” and that he “grants each of his many characters, no matter how minor or wretched, a story and a soul.”